Diabetes Mellitus is a situation where the body is unable to process glucose (a type of sugar).
The mainly common form of Diabetes is Type II Diabetes which occurs mainly in adults. You are at danger from this form of diabetes if you have a generic predisposition to it, if you are overweight or are aged more than 40. In Type II Diabetes, the pancreas still creates insulin, but not enough, – or the insulin does not role correctly. This form of Diabetes can be managed with the right diet and exercise, but also with diabetes pills and insulin.

Diet Plan for the Diabetic
A healthy eating plan for a Diabetic person is a traditional low fat diet. This diet would have a ration of 25-30% fats, 50-55% carbs, and 20% protein. This is the kind of diet that most governmental authorities recommend.

1/2 Grapefruit, 1 medium bowl oatmeal topped with extra low-fat milk. 1 Tsp honey and 1 Tsp flax seeds.
1 kiwi fruit
40g (uncooked) Basmati rice – cook and server with 4oz cooked chicken strips. 1 small orange, chopped cucumber, and 2 Tsp pine nuts, with oil-free French dressing.
Mid afternoon snack
2 dark rye crisp breads spread with yeast extract.
4 oz salmon fillet topped with 1 1/2 Tsp olive oil blended with 1 garlic clove, grilled and server with 6ox potato mashed with seasoning. Serve with peas and spinach.
1 medium glass of dry white or red wine, or fruit juice.

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